Building Ryder One: address collection, production ramp-up, and security audits

Before diving into the product update, let's talk about shipping. We are excited to announce that we will collect all shipping addresses by August 30, 2024. As planned, we are ramping up production and finalizing our security audits. By the end of the month, we will announce the official shipment date for your Ryder Ones. Stay tuned!

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Shipping to additional beta users this month

We are shipping to additional beta users by the end of this month. Beta testers are selected community members who are expected to provide continuous feedback, help catch bugs, and suggest features for future development. This group will also help us understand how to best support customers like you with varying levels of self-custody experience. We still have some spots left! If you’re keen to get your hands on Ryder Ones first, fill out this form.

Disclaimer: External beta testing is for selected community members only. They’ll be the very first customers outside Ryder to try the product before it's publicly available. This is solely for product development and not intended for personal use.

Ensuring quality from supply chain to assembly Line

At Ryder, we don’t compromise on quality and security. It starts from the supply chain and continues all the way to assembly and packaging. We walked through the entire assembly process with our partner to spot and address any potential issues. We also met with all our key vendors at their facilities, from plastic and material suppliers to chip vendors, to ensure they meet our quality standards for Ryder One.

Secure element fully integrated for mass production

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After nearly a year of development with our secure element partner (Infineon), we successfully finalized the integration of the secure element chip with the rest of the hardware for mass production. Specifically, our electronics went through rigorous testing to ensure that your private keys stay safe even after many years of usage. We also ensured that the secure button and LEDs meet our security and durability specifications.

Last chance for a 50 USD Discount!

Don’t miss your last chance to get Ryder One for $50 off before we start shipping! This offer ends soon, so grab yours now and be among the first to experience this stress-free crypto wallet.

Buy Ryder One Now

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