Ryder May Update - 1st Purchase Order of Materials

Hi everyone! I’m Louise, CEO and Co-Founder of Ryder. I'm excited to bring you our May backer video. In this update, we’ll cover one of the biggest milestones for a hardware company: placing the first purchase order of materials. We’ll also go over Ryder One’s box packaging process, current progress in product and app development, and what you can expect in the June update.

Placed the 1st Purchase Order for Our Early Backers

We’ve sold over 1,000 units of Ryder One, surpassing our initial target! To our early backers, we’re proud to say we’ve placed the first-ever purchase order for Ryder. This means that your Ryder One is currently in the works, marking our first batch of manufacturing. We have a lot in store for you, and we know you’ll be excited once you have your Ryder One in your hands.

Ryder One’s Packaging Concept Process

Our team spent a lot of time ensuring we provide you with the best experience, not just when you use Ryder One, but from the moment you receive it. We want everything to be special from the time you first open the box all the way to when you use the device. We’re going to show a dedicated video for this, so you’ll know the inner workings and how we carefully went through various selection processes to find the right concept for the box and refine it before fabricating it.

Current Development Progress

Our engineering team, led by Marvin, our CTO and co-founder, and our product team, with Julien, who is currently with our manufacturing partner, have made significant progress on both the app and product side. You can expect Marvin to make a separate video on the firmware and app development progress and how we conducted our UUT to further refine the user experience for Ryder One.

We’re also on track with setting up our assembly line and are starting production of 100 units that will undergo extensive reliability tests: thermal cycling, virbration and shock testing and mechanical stress testing which are starting next week. Expect a jam-packed technical and product update for June.

Ryder Team Goes Out to Worldwide Web3 Events

You’ve probably noticed we’ve been on the ground the past few weeks, attending many events and building grassroots communities. We’re big believers in these movements, as you’ve seen from our work at Stacks.

We’re happy to say we’ve shown the first peek of Ryder to some key community figures, and the response was overwhelming. Don’t just take my word for it—watch these clips from key community figures:

  • Trevor Owens, GP, Bitcoin Frontier Fund, Founder, Pizza Ninja
  • Ileana Malacrino, Partnership Lead, Stacks Foundation
  • Tosyo, Founder, Bitcoin Whales
  • Mark McKenze, Founder, Spark and Megapont

As we ramp up our efforts and get closer to shipping, you'll see more of our team on the ground. If you'd like us to be at an event near you, don't hesitate to contact us!

We hope you love this backer video! Get ready for the next one with Marvin and Julien, where we will also show a transaction-sending demo—something we're super excited to share with you!

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